How many of you have seen #WFH or WFH in your social media feeds? It seems the phrase ‘working from home’ has been abbreviated to just those three letters in a relatively short space of time. 

Our team has been working from home for around 7 weeks now and we are fortunate that over the years, working closely with our IT partner and making a conscious decision to move to cloud accounting systems, it was a fairly straightforward process. 

This blog isn’t going to share with you our top tips for working from home (how many of those have you seen in these past few weeks?), as we know many of you have been working this way for a number of years. Instead we thought we’d share some tweets that made us smile. 

You can view more funny tweets by clicking here. 

Please remember that if you do need specific support, you can chat to us online, email us or call 0800 195 3750. A list of useful information can also be found by clicking here. 

Our cloud accouting partner, FreeAgent, have also shared a useful reminder for claiming expenses when you work from home. Click here for a refresher. In April, 2020 HMRC increased the flat rate method  from £4 to £10 per week, which is the band that most contractors fall into.

We didn’t want to end this blog without a couple of pictures from our #WFH ICS team. We’ve got Emma’s home working ‘space’, Daniel’s daily commentary on LinkedIn and a wonderful rainbow from Jodie’s son to thank all our incredible key workers.